Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 32 (August 6th - August 12th) | Picture 47

Wegmans had some beautiful sunflowers in their flower market and I thought they would be a nice addition to our kitchen and might give me something to take a picture of this week. I want to play with some different lighting possibilities, but I also want to share this non-flash picture - in case my grand OCF plans slip away from me this week.

Totally simple execution - shoot up at the flower, composing it against the white ceiling. Expose for the flower and shoot. Well, easier said than done. Our house gets almost no natural light, so exposing for the flower pushed my settings.

Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: 105mm f/2.8 macro
Aperture: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/30 (handheld!)
ISO: 1600
Flash: none
Exposure: manual

In hindsight, it would have been smarter to hike that ISO to at least 3200 because trying to handhold this lens at that shutter speed is waaayyyyy less than optimal - but I wasn't having a problem with focus or shake, so I didn't bother. (I was also sitting on the floor - so I was stabilized a bit.)

Completely unrelated to photography - I should buy flowers more often. They really perk up the place and improve my mood in our otherwise dreary kitchen!

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